"Which is more important - revival or reformation?' That's a loaded question. It's like asking which is more important, eating or growing? Love or marriage? Obviously, both are important! One simply is the cause of the other.
" Now let's get priorities straight. A revival of true Godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our very first work. That's it. Number one. But when true revival happens, genuine reformation is the natural result.
"But watch out! Reformation without revival simply leads to dead works. It's easy to make this mistake since reformation is easy to understand. It's more hands on. If there's something in my life that I'm supposed to change, and I'm strong-willed, I can do it.
"On the other hand, when you talk about revival, you're talking about something that's more mystical. And we have a very hard time getting our hands on that, until we learn the secret of the closet and our knees. It's easier to do something than to seek Someone you can't see. People often like to be busy dong something. But revival - this mysterious thing of the heart, this regular appointment with Jesus every day - that seems to be mystical! And yet He promised us that He would be closer to us than we He walked with the disciples by the shores of the Sea of Galilee." Morris Venden, Nothing to Fear: Devotions for the Time, 1999, p. 32.
"Those who know your name will trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you." - Psalm 9:10