- "When the gunpowder was invented, the 'last-day' period said, 'This is it!!' When the first steam engine went across the United States, the 'last-day' people said, 'This is it!' When the Atom bomb went off, they were sure it was it. The common market hit Europe, 'This is it!' Seconds to midnight,' they said - and yet it has been seconds to midnight for a long time!
- "After a while, some of us become fed up with the 'wolf! wolf!' syndrome. How often can we say, 'This is it'? Is Christ's coming really near? Is the end of the world that close? Maybe it's the time we thought a little more about 'delay' and 'waiting.'
- "The Bible uses, more than once, the language waiting. We are all in the waiting room. But most of us have a hard time waiting, don't we? It's a little easier when you know exactly how long you're going to wait, even if its two hours. If you know that at the end of those two hours 'this is it,' that helps. But if you don't know anything at all about the time, if the day and hour escape you, then waiting can be vey painful. And people have found this to be true again and again concerning the great promise of Jesus' coming. That's why Jesus said that those who endure to the end shall be saved! --Morris Venden, Nothing to Fear: Devotions for the End of Time, 1999, p. 25.
"You too, be patient and stand firm, because the Lord's coming is near." James 5:8