"We can be thankful that according to Romans 9:28, God is going to finish His work, not us. We've done a pretty sloppy job of it. How do I know the Christian church hasn't finished God's work? How do I know we haven't hastened His coming? Because we are still here! 'Oh,' you can say, 'I'm glad it lasted long enough for me to be born too. But that argument could go on forever. If he 'delayed' ten more years, think of how many more people would be born. Regardless, we're here now, and we can be thankful that He's made provision for something more than a few short years in this vale of tears.
"As the Scripture says, we can rely on God's promise that He'll finish His work. So isn't it about time some of us stopped trying to do the 'Lord's work.' Come on- let's stop trying to do the Lord's work. Yes, I guess we know what we mean when we say it, but perhaps we have overlapped into His department too many times. And maybe that's another reason why we're still here!
"And while we're at it, let's stop trying to do the Lord's work in our personal lives too. Some of us have really gotten involved in this, and that's why we continue to fall and to fail. He's promised all kind's of gift if we'll only come to Him and accept them. But so often we waste all of our time and energy trying to do what only God can do. We need to remember that He's promised He will finish His work in the world and in our lives." --Morris Venden, Nothing to Fear: Devotions for the End of Time, 1999, p. 28.
"He will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness; because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth." - Romans 9:28